Monday, September 9, 2013

Will The Real Jesus Please Stand Up? Jesus > Religion

I knew when I read this chapter title that this was going to be one full of conviction and one that would have me highlighting on every page!  Sure enough - there were so many nuggets of wisdom and poetry in detailing that, as a whole, Western Christianity has lost perspective of who Jesus really is.  I wish I could elaborate on each one, but I feel what is to follow is important to share.

"We've lost the real Jesus - or at least exchanged him for a newer, safer, sanitized, ineffectual one.  We've created a Christian subculture that comes with its own set of customs, rules, rituals, paradigms and products that are no where near the rugged revolutionary faith of the biblical Christianity." (page 9)

Once upon a time, I was all about ritual, rules, and activity that revolved entirely around me being a "good church girl."  The problem, I discovered after many years, was that my motivation was fear, guilt, and obligation.  There was no motivation rooted in love.

There is no fear in love. But perfect love drives our fear, because fear has to do with punishment. The one who fears is not made perfect in love. (1 John 4:18)

Somewhere along the way, through wonderful spirit-filled mentors, I was able to see that I had viewed the Father, Son and Holy Spirit as beings that I could not disappoint or let down through my sin and I had to work more diligently not to, but because I kept failing, I did not deserve to receive the gift of love and forgiveness.  Ugh!  That was gradually replaced with TRUTH - all I needed to do was seek God; to be in relationship with Him; to accept His love - and then be motivated by it.  He IS Love!

But Jefferson's words still resonated, because my ingrained behavior still veers me in the direction of people-pleasing to "look Christian," rather than to just love and let that love flow from above, through me, and towards others.

It seems, at times, my god is really other people - or myself - that being motivated by what other people think or focusing on how exalted I can become is the worship I engage in.  Ugh, again!

I recently had a conversation with a pastor I respect.  He shared that there is two views to one scripture that is often misunderstood found in John 14:15.  If you love me, you will keep my commandments.  This pastor admitted that he had formerly viewed this scripture through the viewpoint of believing that to show God love, he had to keep all of His commandments.  I have shared that view.  He then pointed out that if you read the entire chapter, Jesus is giving comfort, explaining blessings of oneness, and detailing the role of the Spirit.  No condemnation, no chastising - just love.  And this pastor concluded that what this scripture is really saying is: "Just love God and keeping his commandments will happen naturally, out of that love!"  What a refreshing insight.

The Bible isn't a rule book.
It's a love letter.
I'm not an employee.
I'm a child.
It's not about my performance.
It's about Jesus' performance for me. 
(page 7)

I pray that we will all be motivated by love - accepting of God's love towards us, passionate about our love toward him, and allowing that love to propel our actions with freedom, truth and grace.

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